Region 11: 2012-2013 Meeting Notice & Agenda (3/5)

******MEETING NOTICE******
Region 11 HSTP Quarterly Meeting
Tuesday March 5, 2013
11:00 A.M.
Hidden Springs Ranger Station (note the change in location)
602 North First Street (watch for the sign on the East side of road)
Vienna, IL 62995

The next meeting for the Region 11 IDOT Human Service Transportation Planning Committee will be held on Tuesday March 5th, 11:00am at the Hidden Springs Ranger Station in Vienna. 

This meeting will focus on: 1) Guest speaker: Brian Brackemyer, Regional Coordinator with the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.  2) Selection of new Committee officers.  3) Discussion of the Open Meetings Act & how it will now affect the HSTP Committee. 
Also, please be ready to discuss any coordination efforts that your agency is involved in.  

There will be opportunity for open discussion on anything members of the committee would like to address.  If you would like to see something added to the agenda, please let me know as soon as possible.

If you received this notice and are not the primary contact for transportation services in your organization, please forward this to the appropriate person or contact me with any changes.
Terri Finn                                      
Human Services Transportation Coordinator 

HSTP Region 11
March 5, 2012 Agenda

        I.            Call to order

      II.            Introductions

    III.            Guest Speaker: Brian Brackemyer, Region 11 Coordinator with the Il. Emergency Management Agency (IEMA)

    IV.            Election of Officers
·         Slate of eligible candidates
·         Discussion
·         Vote

      V.            Coordination
·         Share stories
·         Open discussion
    VI.            Open Meetings Act
·         Amendment to bylaws
·         Scheduling upcoming meetings
  VII.            General Discussion
·         Update on Jackson Co. Mass Transit-Primer Process
·         Any available updates on St. Clair Co.’s rural transportation issues
·         Mobility Management\Travel trainings
·         Open discussion

VIII.            Adjourn


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