Region 10: 2018 Meeting Minutes (1/16)


HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

January 16, 2018



David Armbrust

Marion County Horizon Center-Salem

Heather Baker

Charleston Transitional Facility-Olney

Betty Cox

Clay County Rehabilitation Center-Flora

Adam Lach

Rides MTD-Harrisburg

Peter Niccum

Community Supports Systems-Teutopolis

Susan Love

Central Il. Public Transit\Effingham Co. Public Transit-Effingham

Steve Simms

II. Emergency Management Agency-Flora 

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation-Flora

Shelly Toombs

Career Development Center-Fairfield

Janice Zwilling

Lawrence-Crawford Association-Lawrenceville

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem



The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on January 16, 2018, via conference call.   

The meeting was called to order by Adam Lach, Committee President, at 11:06 am.  Introductions of committee members were done.


The minutes from the October 17, 2017 meeting were reviewed.  Susan Love made the motion to approve those minutes.  Janice Zwilling seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


Preventative Maintenance-IDOT 5310 Recommendations & Best Practices:

Terri Finn provided information about preventative maintenance, policies and procedures as recommended by IDOT.  This can be the number one way to help save money, and overall safety of vehicles.

Overall safety for transportation buses can involve different things at different times of the year, such as, snow and ice affecting your tires, also making sure tracks for wheelchairs are properly cleaned out to prevent rust and corrosion.   She also discussed how there are different options for agencies to keep track of the maintenance records.  IDOT is working on a web based system that will help agencies with guidelines and best practices to follow and time tables for various preventative maintenance to be done.  There are also other web based maintenance tools to help keep track of maintenance records; such as Auto Wolf that was presented to the committee just last year.  Many of these web based tools are extremely cheap and help keep all maintenance records at your fingertips and easily accessible. 


General Discussion:

·         Agency Information\Updates:  Per the October meeting discussion of emergency management, Adam and Terri both wondered if any agencies in Clay County were able to get together to discuss options if a disaster were to occur.  Such a meeting could include nursing homes, assisted living, CILAS, workshops, hospital, etc.  With a good coordination\evacuation plan, all could help each other with transportation, supplies, housing, etc. in the event of a disaster.  Terri mentioned that Dayo Adenekan was especially interested in a meeting.  Gidget Simpson stated that a meeting had not yet taken place.  Steve Simms offered his assistance and discussed that it would be possible to get local agencies together for a meeting.  The HSTP committee could be updated on any results at the May meeting.  Gidget & Dayo will contact Steve to work out details.  


·         Terri Finn stated that the Regional Plan is finished and has been sent to IDOT. 


·         New Business- no new business was discussed.


·         Next meeting-Adam Lach reminded the committee of the next meeting, which is May 15th, 11am, at CIPT in Effingham, IL. 


A motion was made by David Armbrust to adjourn the meeting at 11:34am.  Heather Baker seconded the motion.  Motion carried.   
































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