Region 11: 2016 Meeting Minutes (11/9)


HSTP Region 11

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2016


Patty Evansco

Millstadt Sr. Center

Opal Koch

Washington Co. Sr. Services

Kent McDermott

United Methodist Children’s Home

Todd Krebel

Human Support Services

Susan Engelhardt

5 Star Industries

Tracy Johnson

MedTrans Call Center

Jamie Diekemper

Caritas Family Solutions

Sheila Niederhofer

South Central Transit

Ted Gutierrez

Jackson Co. Mass Transit

Janet Shearrer

Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Il.

Mark Bollmann

Human Service Center

Bill Grogan

St. Clair Co. Transit

James Lane

Touchette Hospital

Sara Nollman

South Central Transit

Maureen Mann

Shawnee MTD

Tiffany Morgan

Shawnee MTD

Christina Anglin

Age Smart

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator


The quarterly HSTP Region 11 meeting was held November 9, 2016, in Mt. Vernon, hosted by the United Methodist Children’s Home. The meeting was called to order at 11:02 by Chairperson James Lane. Introductions & updates of committee agencies were done.

The minutes from the August 16th meeting were reviewed. Bill Grogan made the motion to approve those minutes, 2nd by Maureen Mann. Motion carried.

Jackson & Williamson Counties Urbanization:

Bill Jung described how the MPO process began, evolved & how it is and will affect those in the urbanized area. He went on to explain what changes have occurred, as far as transportation, in the area—resources, funding, etc. and goals they are working towards in Williamson & Jackson counties and with the Saluki shuttle.

Joe Zdankiewicz provided the group with a map of the urban area and a PowerPoint presentation that helped to explain what the MPO is and what functions SIMPO has.

Terri Finn briefly explained the changes in applying for CVP vehicles for agencies in the area. Currently this would only affect Sr. Adult Services.

Election of Officers:

Terri Finn had previously sent an email with the names of all committee members that are eligible to run for an office. She went over that list and asked for volunteers & or nominations.

Mark Bollmann was nominated for Chairperson, Debra King was nominated for Vice Chair & Maureen Mann volunteered for the Secretary position.

Bill Jung made a motion to accept this slate of officers with a 2nd by Bill Grogan. Motion carried.

General Discussion:

Agency Budget Updates-Members were asked to provide information on their agencies service changes (if any) since the Il. State Budget crisis is still not resolved. Shawnee MTD has had to cut Saturday service and may condense their depots. Rides MTD has had no changes in service at this time. South Central Transit is working off of their line of credit and could be seeing shut downs in mid to late December. They had put information in each bus, informing passengers of the crisis and asking them to help by advocating/calling legislators. Egyptian Area Agency on Aging has seen a 20% loss of services they provide, since last year. Monroe-Randolph has reported to Terri Finn that their line of credit is expended and will shut down next week if the 5311 funding payment doesn’t arrive. 5311 contract language and other problems with the contracts were also discussed.

Scheduling 2017 HSTP meeting- Feb 8th hosted by Jackson Co. Transit

May 24th hosted by Shawnee MTD

Aug 9th hosted by South Central Transit

Nov 8th hosted by United Methodist Children’s Home

Kent McDermott motioned to adjourn at 12:05 pm. The motion was seconded by Mark Bollmann. Motion carried.


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