Region 11: 2018 Meeting Minutes (5/9)



Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2018



Sara Nollman

South Central Transit-Centralia

Vicki Clift

South Central Transit-Centralia

Sheila Niederhofer

South Central Transit-Centralia

Corky Longshore

Gold Plate Sr. Center-DuQuoin

Jim Schnipper


Danuta DelRio

Union Co. Counseling-Anna

Steve North


Tina Martin

Massac Co. Mental Health-Metropolis

Ben Simpson

Sr. Adult Services-Carbondale

Kari Docherty

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Janet Shearrer

Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Illinois-Belleville

Todd Krebel

Human Support Services-Waterloo

Tiffany Morgan

Shawnee MTD

Jerri Loyd

Shawnee MTD

Shawn Freeman

Shawnee MTD

Paulie Wilkerson

Opportunities for Access CIL-Mt. Vernon

Susan Engelhardt

5 Star Industries-DuQuoin

Sherrie Crabb

Family Counseling Center-Vienna

Kerie Moore

Family Counseling Center-Vienna

Mark Bollmann

Human Service Center-Red Bud

Patty Evansco

Millstadt Township Sr. Services-Millstadt

Debbie Holsapple

Comprehensive Connections-Mt. Vernon

Lisa Donoho

Comprehensive Connections-Mt. Vernon

Ted Gutierrez

Jackson Co. MTD

Jimmy Leadingham

Jackson Co. MTD

Jesica Schlimme

Monroe-Randolph MTD

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem


The meeting was called to order at 11:05A.M., by Chairperson Mark Bollmann.  Mark asked for everyone to introduce themselves. 


The minutes from the February 2018 meeting were reviewed.  Sheila Niederhofer made a motion to approve those minutes.  Jim Schnipper seconded the motion.  Motion approved.


CVP applications:

Terri Finn provided the endorsement\comment forms to the Committee and reminded everyone this was a non-voting process and comments should be written down on each form and then returned to her at the end of the meeting.

CVP applications were presented by the following:

·         Comprehensive Connections

·         Family Counseling Center

·         5 Star Industries

·         Human Service Center

·         JCMTD

·         Millstadt Senior Services

·         SAVE

·         SCT

·         Shawnee MTD

·         Spero Family Services

·         Senior Adult Services

·         Union County Counseling

 Each agency presented information about the services they provide. The also explained why they were requesting vehicles, the need for new or replacements. They also discussed the letters of support they had received from other agencies.

Terri asked the group if there were any additional applications.  There were no more.


Agency updates:

Sheila Niederhofer explained the new Maple route shuttle is providing service from Perry Co. to Washington Co., including stops at the factories in Nashville.


Susan Englehardt asked the group about their dealings with the Managed Care Organizations and how everyone was dealing with all of the changes. Lengthy discussion was held regarding this issue. Sheila Niederhofer told the group that the Il. Public Transportation Assoc. (IPTA) was putting a committee together to gather more information about MCO’s, Medicaid and how it’s affecting transportation. She told the Committee that once she started receiving information she would forward it to Terri Finn so she could share with the group.


New Business/Open Discussion:

Terri Finn asked the Committee for ideas or recommendations on meeting topics or guest speakers. Ted Gutierrez suggested Mike Healy from IDOT attend a HSTP meeting and answer questions. Terri said she would look into it and if he couldn’t attend a meeting possibly he could do a phone conference with group.  Other suggestions were a local legislator and a representative from an MCO.  Other suggestions can be emailed to Terri.


Debbie Holsapple asked about a timeline for delivery of 2017 vehicles, she said she had received an award letter. Group discussion was held.  An 18 month turn-around time for receiving vehicles was also discussed.


Discussion was held regarding the requirements for holding public meetings that is required when applying for vehicles &\or funding.


A question came up regarding whether or not an attorney for an organization can also serve on the organizations board of directors. Terri Finn said yes they can.


Debbie Holsapple thanked Terri Finn for the RTAC training materials.  She stated it was helpful for their drivers.


Electronic CVP applications are due 5/31/18, with appendices due 6/30/18.


Next meeting will be held September 8/8 @ Human Support Services in Waterloo.



Motion to adjourn was made by Jim Schnipper.  2nd by Ben Simpson.  Motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 12:12pm.





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