Region 11: 2022 Meeting Minutes (2/16)
February 16, 2022
Call in attendees:
Jimmy Leadingham |
Jackson Co. Mass Transit District-Carbondale |
Sara Hodge |
South Central Transit-Centralia |
Susan Parkinson |
O’Fallon Rotary Wheels-O’Fallon |
Mike Egbert |
Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living-Mt.
Vernon |
Jesica Schlimme |
Monroe-Randolph Transit-Sparta |
Jeffrey Drake |
Rides Mass Transit District-Harrisburg |
Jon Douglas |
LINC, Inc. Center for Independent Living-Belleville |
Ashlee Lambert |
Caritas Family Solutions-Belleville |
Ron Gorst |
Shawnee Mass Transit District-Vienna |
Mark Bollmann |
ComWell-Red Bud |
Ben Simpson |
Senior Adult Services-Carbondale |
Robert Wilson |
St. Clair Co. Transit District\Alternative Transportation
Services-E. St. Louis |
Melissa Theiss |
East-West Gateway Council of Governments-St. Louis |
Mario Fennoy |
JTC Academy-Centreville |
Terri Finn |
HSTP Coordinator-Salem |
Call to Order: The quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at
11:03 a.m., via conference call, by Chairperson Jimmy Leadingham.
Roll call: Terri Finn read the list of attendees that had
announced they were on the call.
Approval of November 2021
minutes: There were no
additions or corrections, motion by Mark Bollmann, seconded by Sara Hodge to accept
and approve the minutes. Motion carried.
Regional Plan: Terri Finn provided the results of
community, rider, and agency surveys that were recently sent out and
tabulated. Expanded hours of service and
hours is again the top problem in the region. The questions were: 1. How do each provider
fix their own gaps and 2. How do we put this all together for the Plan. Committee members Ron Gorst, Mario Fennoy,
Mike Egbert, Sara Hodge, Jimmy Leadingham & Rob Wilson volunteered to be a
subcommittee that will meet & have a document to present at the next
scheduled HSTP meeting.
Transportation Concerns: Rob Wilson reported that
funds have been obligated to revamp MetroLink stations which will benefit the
system and riders.
Terri Finn provided information on the local transit
providers that were awarded funds thru REBUILD IL. to improve their buildings,
software, bus stations, etc.
Terri also gave information on the upcoming RTAC conference.
General Discussion: Handouts and resource materials
were provided to the committee.
The next meeting will be on May 18th at Sr. Adult
Services in Carbondale.
Adjourn: Motion
to adjourn made by Mario Fenmore and seconded by Jesica Schlimme. Meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m.