Region 11: 2018 Meeting Minutes (11/14)





Quarterly Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2018



Kari Docherty

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Sherri Bassen

South Central Transit-Centralia

Christina Sellers

AgeSmart Community Resources-Belleville

Patty Evansco

Millstadt Sr. Center-Millstadt

Jimmy Leadingham

Jackson Co. MTD-Carbondale

Lisa Winter

Caritas Family Solutions-Belleville

Theresa Mitchell

Caritas Family Solutions-Belleville

Mark Bollmann

Human Service Center-Red Bud

Danuta Del Rio

Union Co. Counseling Services-Anna

Ashlee Lambert

Caritas Family Services-Belleville

Ken Sharkey

St. Clair Co. Transit District-Belleville

Natalie Backstrom

Opportunities For Access CIL-Mt. Vernon

John Childs

5 Star Industries-DuQuoin

Lori Elliott

Williamson Co. Programs on Aging-Herrin

Robert Childers

Williamson Co. Programs on Aging-Herrin

Susann Faulk

Trinity Services-Mascoutah

Charlene Hogan

JTC Adolescent Academy-Centreville

Michelle Morgan


Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem


The meeting was called to order at 11:03am by Chairperson Mark Bollmann.  He then asked introductions and agency updates.    


The minutes from the July 2018 meeting were reviewed.  Patty Evansco made a motion to approve those minutes.  Mark Bollmann seconded the motion.  No additions or corrections were suggested.  Minutes approved. 


Guest Speaker: Ashlee Lambert-Caritas Family Solutions

Ashlee reported to the Committee that Caritas has 4 CILA homes that houses 17 residents currently.  They have 1 minivan at each location and there is also a light duty vehicle available to take groups on various outings.  Caritas has several programs available to assist community residents such as the Early Childhood and Sr. Assisted Living.  The agency also provides foster care for children. 


General Discussion:

Agency Information\Updates

·         Ken Sharkey stated that ATS has a surplus of vehicles that they are willing to donate to agencies that might need them but he would prefer to keep them in St. Clair Co.  Most of them have approximately 175,000 miles on them but have been well maintained.  Caritas staff & JTC Academy would like to be considered for a vehicle.  Spero also asked to be considered even though they are in Jefferson Co.

·         Patty Evansco was pleased to announce that her agency is now transporting people from the south\central area of St. Clair Co. into Shiloh for medical appointments and other medical care 3 times per week.



New Business\Open Discussion

·         Follow up-Mike Healy visit:

o   Mark Bollmann & Charlene Hogan stated that their agencies have received F-1 Disposition letters from Jeff Waxman since the meeting.  This will release 5310 vehicle liens and the agency can do as they wish with the vehicles.

o   Mark Bollmann informed everyone that if they are picking up new vehicles in Kankakee tomorrow the weather may be worse up north & agencies should contact Mike Healy if they can not make the trip.

·         Ideas for guest speakers or meeting topics:

o   Danuta Del Rio had questions, as a new 5310 recipient, about driver trainings and if that would be a topic for meetings.  Terri Finn suggested she contact RTAC about trainings as they are usually all day events.  Also that agencies within the regions often have driver trainings that they will invite other agencies to attend and Terri usually sends this information out to committee members as it comes available.

o   Kari Docherty stated that she or other Spero staff would volunteer to speak at the next Region 11 meeting.       


Next Meeting\Set 2019 meetings

·         The Committee decided on the following dates:

o   Feb. 13th at Spero Family Services (Youth Building) in Mt. Vernon

o   May 8th at Caritas Family Solutions regional office in Belleville

o   August 14th at Union Co. Counseling Services in Anna

o   Nov. 13th will be via conference call

Also, the Feb. meeting will be the election of officers.  Officers serve a 2 year term and we will need a Chairperson, Co-Chair & Secretary.    



Kari Docherty made a motion to adjourn.  Ashlee Lambert seconded the motion.  Meeting adjourned at 11:35am.





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