Region 10: 2019 Meeting Notice (10/15)
******MEETING NOTICE******
IDOT HSTP Region 10 Meeting
Tuesday October
15, 2019
11:00 AM
1805 N.
Il. 62401
The next
meeting for the Region 10 IDOT Human Service Transportation Planning Committee
will be hosted by CIPT in Effingham on Tuesday October 15th, at 11:00am.
We will be
reviewing the Regional Plan’s Gaps\Needs section and discussing our
progress. If you would like these
emailed to you prior to the meeting please let me know.
Please be ready
to give the Committee updates from your agency.
There will be
opportunity for open discussion on anything members of the Committee would like
to address. The agenda is on the reverse
side. If you would like to see something
added to the agenda, please let me know as soon as possible.
If you received this notice and are
not the primary contact for transportation services in your organization,
please forward this to the appropriate person or contact me with any changes.
I look forward to seeing you all then!
Terri Finn
Human Services Transportation Coordinator