Region 10: 2019 Meeting Minutes (1/15)


HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 15, 2019



Beth Marts

Central Il. Public Transit-Effingham

Heather Baker

Charleston Transitional Facility-Olney

Betty Cox

Clay County Rehabilitation-Flora

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access Center for Independent Living-Mt. Vernon

David Armbrust

Marion County Horizon Center-Salem

Adam Lach

Rides Mass Transit-Harrisburg

Susan Love

Central Illinois Public Transit-Effingham

Peter Niccum

Community Support Systems-Teutopolis

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation-Flora

Melissa Schilling

Central Il. Public Transit-Effingham

Steve Simms

Il. Emergency Management Agency-Flora

Janice Zwilling

Lawrence-Crawford Assoc. for Exceptional Citizens-Lawrenceville

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem



The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 via conference call.  The meeting was called to order at 11:01am by Committee Chairman, Adam Lach.   Introductions of committee members were done.


The meeting minutes from Oct. 2018 were reviewed.  Janice Zwilling made the motion to approve the minutes.  Heather Baker seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Guest Speaker: Heather Baker-Charleston Transitional Facility (CTF)

CTF covers counties from Cook down to Wayne.  CTF serves 750 people in 34 CILA homes that are located throughout their coverage area.  483 people receive home based services in the area and 70 people attend the day-training program in Olney.  Heather stated that the day-training location and each CILA home have their own vehicle totaling approximately 112 vehicles, some of which are 5310 CVP.  Heather also stated that CTF helps home based clients obtain adaptive equipment, financial help, respite, and building wheelchair ramps at their homes. CTF employs about 475-500 people in the 10 counties they serve.


General Discussion

·         Agency Information\Updates-Terri Finn asked the committee members if the federal shutdown was affecting their agency services.  Adam Lach stated that Rides is still billing Medicaid but the vouchers are on hold. No one else stated any affect yet.   

·         New Business\Open Discussion

o   Election of Officers-Terri Finn explained that the Region 10 by-laws state that there would be an election of officers at the first meeting of the odd numbered years (2 yr. terms).  She then asked if any of the committee members would like to volunteer for any of the positions or if there were any nominations from the floor.  Gidget Simpson volunteered to continue to be Secretary.  Adam Lach was nominated to continue as Chairperson.  Melissa Schilling was nominated as Vice Chairperson.  Heather Baker made the motion to accept the slate of nominees.  Susan Love seconded the motion.  Motion carried and the new slate of officers will begin duties at the May meeting. 

o   Terri Finn explained the email attachments she had sent to all committee members.  1) Illinois Public Transit Systems map.  The map is broken down my HSTP region and gives contact information on the public transit provider for each county as well as the HSTP Coordinator for each region.  2) Website resource information for the Illinois Public Transportation Association, Rural Transit Assistance Center, National Center for Mobility Management, National Transit Institute and Shared Mobility Center.  All of these websites are filled with information to help transportation providers better their services and help the growing transit services.  The National Transit Institute also has educational materials for any transportation providers.  There is also information on their website of an upcoming training in St. Louis.  3) Information on the upcoming RTAC conference which will be held March 12th and 13th in Springfield. 


Next Meeting

·         Adam Lach reminded the committee that our next meeting will be May 21st at CILA Corporation Management building located at 6892 Old Highway 50 in Flora.  Terri reminded everyone that the May meeting will be to review the 2019 CVP applications.  Applications should be available on the IDOT website sometime in March. 



·         Steve Simms made the motion to adjourn at 11:24am.  Second by Janice Zwilling.    

































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