Region 10: 2020 Meeting Minutes(10/20)


HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2020


Conference Call



Adam Croy

Il. Emergency Management Agency-Flora

Jeff Drake

Rides MTD-Harrisburg

Heather Baker

Charleston Transitional Facility-Olney

Betty Cox

Clay County Rehabilitation Center-Flora

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access-Mt. Vernon

Janice Zwilling

Lawrence-Crawford Assoc.-Lawrenceville

Mark Auten

TRADE Industries-McLeansboro

Nathan Nichols

Central Il. Public Transit-Effingham

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation-Flora

Cory Young

Marion Co. Horizon Center-Salem

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem



The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on Tuesday October 20th at 11:00am. The meeting was called to order at 11:03am by Betty Cox and introductions of committee members were done.


Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the July 21, 2020 meeting were reviewed.  Janice Zwilling made the motion to approve the minutes, Mark Auten seconded the motion.  Minutes were approved with no additions or corrections. 


Regional Plan: Terri Finn explained to the Committee that IDOT has asked that all Regional HSTP Plans be put on hold until they put together a new format and  train all Coordinators on what FTA is wanting included in the Plans.  Information in each Plan will still be specific to each region but some Plans have gotten so far away from what was initially laid out, that IDOT will be coming up with a more cohesive format for all to use.  This should only take a few months and we (our committee) will get back on track with putting our information together.


Transportation Concerns: A discussion was started among members to share information and ask questions of each other on transportation services are going with all providers.

Mark Auten stated that Rides MTD has really stepped up to help provide safe transportation

for all of his clients that are going to day training.  Jeffrey Drake stated that Rides is cleaning and disinfecting all buses before and after riders and between routes but it is still a work in progress.  It was stated that some counties are back in Stage 3 of the shutdowns.  Jeff also added that Rides MTD won’t see full capacity ridership for quite a while.  Mark explained that some Day Training providers are doing “split days” to have their consumers go to training certain days and then switch off.

Betty Cox stated that her agency has limited consumers attending day training at this point and they have had to furlough some of their employees.

Janice Zwilling stated that LCA re-opened on 9\8 at half capacity. 

Heather Baker stated that CTF also re-opened on 9\8 to limited work capacity.  They are not accessing Rides MTD for client transport, at this time, since it is so limited they are able to use their 5310 vehicles and maintain the disinfecting process.

Adam Croy explained a bit about how IEMA is working with local government and agencies on pandemic issues.  He will send Terri Finn mitigation information to disseminate to committee members. 


Mark Auten announced that TRADE has moved to a new building in McLeansboro. 

In new business, Terri Finn informed the committee that 5310 CVP applications for 2021 will likely be available around March.  Keep an eye out for emails from IDOT concerning GATA changes.  Also, any agency that is still due to receive vehicles from 2018, those should be delivered in March.   Annual Certifications are due to Zoe by 10\30\20.  If your agency did not receive the email with this information, contact Terri and she will get it to you. 


The next meeting will be January 19th, via teleconference.  This meeting will include the  election of new officers as well. 


Janice Zwilling made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Heather Baker seconded the motion.  Meeting was adjourned at 11:27am.





















































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