Region 11: 2021 Meeting Minutes (11/17)



November 17, 2021




Jimmy Leadingham

Jackson Co. Mass Transit-Carbondale

Vicki Clift

South Central Transit-Centralia

Sara Hodge

South Central Transit-Centralia

Randy Goldsmith

Human Support Services-Waterloo

Kari Docherty

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Tunezia Badger

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Angela Bailey

Challenge Unlimited, Inc.-Swansea

Meredith Cornwell

Rides Mass Transit-Harrisburg

Erin Kennedy

5 Star Industries-DuQuoin

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem

Marcell Baas

Jackson Co. Mass Transit-Carbondale

Debbie Holsapple

Comprehensive Connections-Mt. Vernon

Ben Simpson

Sr. Adult Services-Carbondale


Call to Order: The quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at 11:02 a.m., at South Central Transit in Centralia, by Chairperson Jimmy Leadingham. 


Introductions: Each member in attendance introduced themselves.  


Approval of August minutes: There were no additions or corrections, motion by Kari Docherty, seconded by Sara Hodge to accept and approve the minutes. Motion carried.


Regional Plan: Terri Finn provided the updates that she has been working on.  Some surveys have been sent out from the few contact lists received so far.  Everyone was urged to complete the list and return to Terri.  The contacts should be of agency contacts that members work with that would be willing to complete surveys that address the gaps & needs of the region.  

The new Plan format is completed.  Terri provided copies for everyone to see and provide comment on. 


Transportation Concerns:  Kari Docherty stated that Spero had sent in F-1 request for disposal forms quite some time back and the process has, again, turned very slow and it is very frustrating to keep these vehicles insured and licensed when they have no value to the agency any longer.  Others agreed with this.

Members discussed the current issues with hiring and getting people in for interviews.  Wage increase, starting bonus, sign on bonus, referral bonus incentives have helped but very minimally.  Now mechanics are needed to keep older vehicles running and that is turning into a problem. 

Stolen catalytic converters are on the rise in the DuQuoin & Carbondale area & are affecting some of our IDOT vehicles.    

General Discussion:  

·         IDOT updates-IDOT has reported that, statewide, ridership is going back up.

Super medium duty vehicles that were ordered in 2018 should be ready for delivery soon.

CVP is on hold indefinitely, mostly because of manufacturing issues such as the computer chips that are unavailable for almost all makes of vehicle.


·         Next meeting, February 16th conference call.   


Adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Debbie Holsapple and seconded by Kari Docherty.  Meeting adjourned at 11:33 a.m.



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