Region 11: 2019 Meeting Minutes (5/8)


HSTP Region 11

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2019



Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access CIL-Mt. Vernon

Erin Kennedy

5 Star Industries-DuQuoin

Janet Shearrer

Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Il.-Belleville

Danuta Del Rio

Union Co. Counseling Services-Anna

Tony Erwin

St. Clair Co. Transit District-Belleville

Kari Docherty

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Mike Pietrowski

Shawnee MTD-Vienna

Debbie Holsapple

Comprehensive Connections-Mt. Vernon

Vicki Clift

South Central Transit-Centralia

Sara Nollman-Hodge

South Central Transit-Centralia

Jimmy Leadingham

Jackson Co. MTD-Carbondale

Michelle Morgan


Samantha Lappe

Caritas Family Solutions-Belleville

Jon Douglas

LINC, Inc.-Swansea

Todd Krebel

Human Support Services-Waterloo

Mark Bollmann

Human Service Center-Red Bud

Melissa Theiss

East-West Gateway Council of Governments-St. Louis

Charlene Hogan

JTC Adolescent Adjustment Center-Centreville

Adam Lach

Rides MTD-Harrisburg

Ashlee Lambert

Caritas Family Solutions-Belleville

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation Planning-Salem


The quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at 11:07 a.m. by Mark Bollmann, at Caritas Family Solutions in Belleville.  Representatives from each agency present introduced themselves.

The minutes from the February 2019 meeting were reviewed with no additions or corrections.  Motion made by Jimmy Leadingham, 2nd by Mike Egbert to accept and approve the minutes.  Motion approved.

Guest Speaker: Jon Douglas-LINC, Inc.

Jon started by explaining that LINC is a Center for Independent Living located in Swansea & Red Bud.  He went through some of the services that this agency provides. 

Jon spoke about local transportation needs\problems\issues that clients of the agency conveyed.  Some websites aren’t as informative as a rider might need.  He suggested transit websites be updated on a regular basis & that services stay consistent.

Jon mentioned that ATS is delivering passes directly to riders, which has been helpful to those not able to get out too pick them up.  Tony Erwin added that SCCTD & ATS felt that this would be a beneficial service to riders.  Tony added that SCCTD plans to better serve Belleville and they have plans to update bus stop locations and make them more easily accessible.  He also told stated that ATS has a new director, Russ Wilson.  He suggested that if we or our clients have problems accessing or using the bus that either ATS or SCCTD be notified as they can’t fix problems that they aren’t made aware of.   

The last thing that Jon discussed was LINC’s Disability Advocacy Board and their Bill of Rights.  He feels that this board could be helpful to local transit agencies in determining better services or procedures for people with disabilities.  


General Discussion:

Agency Information/Updates

·         SCCTD has donated used vehicles to Caritas and SAVE.  They thanked them for the donation.  Also, bus stops & routes in the SCCTD service area have not been evaluated in over 20 years.  A consultant is being hired to look at problem areas.  Public input will be a part of this evaluation process.

·         Rides MTD Park & Ride at the VA hospital in Marion is completed and they will have a grand opening this summer.

·         Opportunities for Access will be expanding their youth transition services and the Community Reintegration Program is increasing service to include residents of any age from many other types of facilities than nursing homes.  May 16th will be a disability march & rally in Springfield.

·         East-West Gateway will be updating their transportation plan & will asking for help from agencies and residents of St. Clair, Monroe & Madison counties.

·         Shawnee MTD has a new Executive Director, Mike Pietrowski.  SMTD also has new depots in Massac & Union counties.

·         SCT has a new Executive Director, Sara Nollman-Hodge.

·         Mark Bollmann reminded the committee that when applying for CVP vehicles, if a vehicle is being requested for replacement of another, once the vehicle is replaced it can be requested for replacement again.

·         Terri Finn went over the handouts that she provided for the committee.  She went over the powerpoint presentation that she had participated in titled “Addressing Difficult Customer Situations”. 

New Business/Open Discussion

·         Terri Finn asked the committee, again, to submit any stories or acknowledgements that agencies have, to her, for submittal to websites &\or publications. 

·         Terri Finn also again asked the committee for ideas for guest speakers or meeting topics: 1 new idea was military respite services.  A committee member is to get their contact information to Terri.                                                                                                     Danuta DelRio, Union County Counseling Services-Anna will be next guest speaker.

·         Terri Finn informed the committee that there is still no word on when CVP applications will be released.

·         Next Meeting: August 14th at Union Co. Counseling in Anna.


·         Motion to adjourn at 11:49 a.m. by Sara Nollman-Hodge, 2nd by Adam Lach.  Meeting adjourned.



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