Region 11: 2020 Meeting Minutes (8/12)


HSTP Region 11

August 12, 2020

Meeting Minutes



Ken Sharkey

St. Clair Co. Transit Dist.-Belleville

Patrick Laws

Senior Adult Services-Carbondale

Henry Long

Senior Adult Services-Carbondale

Janet Shearrer

Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Il.-Belleville

John Childs

Five Star Industries-DuQuoin

Ian Pierce

Five Star Industries-DuQuoin

Kari Docherty

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access CIL-Mt. Vernon

Randy Goldsmith

Human Support Services-Waterloo

Sherri Bassen

South Central Transit-Centralia

Jon Douglas

LINK, Inc. CIL-Belleville

Mark Bollmann

ComWell-Red Bud

Charlene Hogan

JTC Adolescent Adjustment Center-Centreville

Jeffrey Drake

Rides MTD-Harrisburg

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation Planning-Salem


Call to Order – The quarterly HSTP conference call meeting was called to order at 11:05 a.m. by Mark Bollmann. Representatives from each agency announced their presence on the conference call.

Approval of February 2020 Meeting Minutes – No additions or corrections, motion by Ken Sharkey, 2nd by Kari Docherty to accept and approve the minutes. Motion approved.

Regional Plan: Gaps/Needs/Strategies – Terri Finn began a group discussion reviewing the information compiled this far with the projected 2021 Regional Plan. Jeffrey Drake, RIDES MTD stated that Fleet size, Social Distancing, and coordination of services with the Human Service agencies will need to be considered moving forward.

Coordination Gap – Social Media. Terri reminded the group that the One Call Center is available, and she would like to see other agencies using it.

Terri recommended the group email her any further strategies. Group agreed that the Gaps & Needs could stand as they are.

Rider Survey – Input – The group agreed that the Regional Transportation Survey was good as is.

General Discussion:  Agency Information/Updates – Implemented changes were shared by the group regarding how COVID – 19 has affected their agencies and what procedures are being practiced with clients and employees.

Ken Sharkey announced that the information provided at the Feb. meeting, concerning Vision 2020, can’t be implemented yet since the MetroBus and MetroLink are short on drivers due to COVID. 

Handouts/Resource materials – Terri provided the group via email with a flier from Federal Trade Commission regarding avoiding Coronavirus Scams and Regional information for Southern Illinois Healthcare.

Next meeting – November 18th, conference call.

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 11:44 a.m. by Kari Docherty, 2nd by John Douglas. Meeting adjourned.



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