Region 11: 2020 Meeting Minutes (11/18)


HSTP Region 11

November 18, 2020

Meeting Minutes



Ken Sharkey

St. Clair Co. Transit Dist.-Belleville

Patrick Laws

Senior Adult Services-Carbondale

Ben Simpson

Senior Adult Services-Carbondale

Janet Shearrer

Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Il.-Belleville

Kevin Dudek

Five Star Industries-DuQuoin

Mike Pietrowski

Shawnee MTD-Vienna

Kari Docherty

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access CIL-Mt. Vernon

Patti Evansco

Millstadt Township Sr. Services-Millstadt

Sara Nollman-Hodge

South Central Transit-Centralia

Jon Douglas

LINK, Inc. CIL-Belleville

Mark Bollmann

ComWell-Red Bud

Jesica Schlimme

Monroe-Randolph Transit-Sparta

Jeffrey Drake

Rides MTD-Harrisburg

Jimmy Leadingham

Jackson Co. MTD-Carbondale

Cameo Phillips

Touchette Hospital-Centreville

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation Planning-Salem


Call to Order: The quarterly HSTP conference call meeting was called to order at 11:07 a.m. by Mark Bollmann. Representatives from each agency announced their presence on the conference call.

Approval of August 2020 Meeting Minutes: No additions or corrections, motion by Sara Nollman-Hodge, 2nd by Patrick Laws to accept and approve the minutes. Motion approved.

Regional Plan: Terri Finn announced that IDOT is in the process of reviewing all Regional Plans and would like for them all to be more in-line with each other.  They will be working with Coordinator’s to achieve this and work can resume once they have decided on how the plan should look.  Gaps & Needs would still be geared to local\regional issues.

Transportation Concerns: COVID discussion- agencies discussed how they are maintaining and handling day to day changes due to COVID.

Sr. Adult Services is not running but referring clients to JCMTD for transportation needs.  They are however continuing the Meals on Wheels delivery (270 meals).  Jimmy Leadingham said that JCMTD will be doing more coordination with SAS and is having extended service hours for dialysis patients.

Patti Evansco reported that the meal delivery service has doubled in her service area.  While the Sr. Center isn’t open, they are still providing medical & essential trips.

Jon Douglas reports that he is working from home but can be contacted thru the office.

Ken Sharkey updated the committee on the changes SCCTD is making to the Lebanon\Mascoutah route with the use of VIA which is similar to Uber but for small group transportation.  This runs M-F 5am-6pm.

Jeffrey Drake reported that Rides MTD received Capital $$ and are excited about the updates they will be making.

General Discussion: New Business-Terri Finn reported that IDOT is hoping to have CVP applications available in March 2021

Set 2021 meeting dates – 2\17\21, 5\19\21, 8\18\21 & 11\17\21

February meeting will elect new officers – Chairman, Vice and Secretary

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 11:41a.m.



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