Region 10: 2021 Meeting Minutes (4/20)


HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

April 20, 2021


Conference Call


Phil Toops

Effingham Co. Public Transit\Effingham Co. Board-Effingham

Meredith  Cornwell

Rides MTD-Harrisburg

Heather Baker

Charleston Transitional Facility-Olney

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access-Mt. Vernon

Janice Zwilling

Lawrence-Crawford Assoc.-Lawrenceville

Mark Auten

TRADE Industries-McLeansboro

Nathan Nichols

Central Il. Public Transportation-Effingham

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation-Flora

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem


The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on Tuesday April 20th and called to order by Chairperson Mark Auten at 11:04am.  A roll call was taken by Terri Finn.   


Approval of January 2021 minutes: Mark Auten asked if everyone reviewed the January minutes—Janice Zwilling made a motion to approve the minutes and Mike Egbert 2nd the motion.


Transportation Concerns: HSTP Coordinator, Terri Finn asked the committee how their agencies are still being impacted due to changes from COVID.  Mark Auten stated most of his clients are attending the day program and has faced no transportation issues.

Heather Baker stated that they have opened up a little more, with just about 1/3 of consumers attending their day program and about 20 part time staff.

Janice Zwilling stated their agency is running split shifts to distance everyone.  They are hoping to open to full capacity by June 1st.

Mike Egbert stated their offices are not open to the public just yet but are doing televisits.  OFA will also be opening a new office in Olney in May or June. 

Mark Auten asked the committee how they are handling staff vaccinations.  Heather Baker stated that she anticipates it may be highly suggested later on while not mandatory now.  The committee agreed that DHS will have changes after July 1st.


Regional Plan: Terri Finn explained that Regional Plan is being discussed by HSTP Coordinators & IDOT for a more useable & informative document.  The Regional Plan has had the same outline since 2007. 

Although all agencies attempt to work together, there are still gaps in service and community needs that should be addressed, especially communication gaps between providers.  The Gaps & Needs that were previously formed, before the Plan was put on hold, were revisited and no new items were deemed needed and no current changes. 

IDOT is working on survey’s that will be used to assess the transportation needs of community, providers and agencies outside of this committee in hopes of getting a broader idea of what the committee may have not thought of.  Mark agreed that if we can get ideas from the public, the committee can look into new ways to address any issues with public transportation that the public is facing.  Terri asked the committee to email her with any ideas or goals that we need to work towards. 


General Discussion: Mark asked Terri if there are any updated with the CVP’s—Terri said not at this time.  She mentioned that IDOT has a meeting on May 5th, if there is anything regarding the CVP’s then, she will let the committee know.


The next Region 10 Committee meeting is July 20th—the committee discussed meeting in person or continuing with conference calls.  It was agreed upon that we should meet in person and if something changes we can make it a Teleconference.  Mike Egbert volunteered

OFA’s Olney office, on Route Illinois 130, as a meeting location.  The next meeting will be held there, unless something changes. 

Adjourn: Chairperson Mark Auten asked for the meeting to be adjourned at 11:28am—Janice

Zwilling made the motion, with Heather Baker 2nd the motion to adjourn.


Next meeting: Tuesday, July 20th, 11am—at Opportunities for Access in Olney.




























































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