Region 10: 2020 Meeting Minutes(7/21)


HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

July 21, 2020


Conference Call



Jeff Drake


Amanda Worrells

Clay County Rehabilitation Center

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access

John Gillmore


Janice Zwilling

Lawrence Crawford

Mark Auten


Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator



The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on Tuesday, July 21st via conference call. The meeting was called to order at 11:05 am by Terri Finn and roll call was taken.   


The minutes from the January 2020 meeting were reviewed.  Mark Auten made the motion to approve the minutes, Mike Egbert seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 


Regional Plan:  Terri Finn updated the committee on the Gaps and Needs portion of the regional plan.  The issue that needs addressed is how do we get public input.  The survey has been approved by all 3 regions and can begin to go out to riders and communities of each agency.  Since COVID has hit, the difficulty of getting input has increased.  Terri’s hope was to ride some buses and talk to people but that can’t happen for probably some time.  Interagency meetings, listening sessions, etc. will not be an option.   Discussion on this topic will continue as we look at options. 


General Discussion:  Terri asked committee members how everyone is doing with transportation since Covid started and what are issues that each agency is facing and what are some solutions.  Currently, human service agencies aren’t providing any day services.  Transport of disabled residents is done only with each individual group house so all residents have been together and not in the general public.  Services may resume Sept. 1st, but that is still unknown.  Rides MTD had 1 staff person test positive and all precautions were taken to deter a spread.  Public transit reports that the ridership has been understanding of time constraints, seat spacing, social distancing and mask wearing.  When day programming opens, there is expected to be more difficulty in getting riders to appointments on time with limited vehicles and drivers able to provide the usual service.  Everyone reported that disinfecting takes place throughout the days travels.  Mark Auten made mention that rural parts of the counties are probably suffering the worst, since bus routes had to be reduced during the shutdown. 


New business & Handouts\Resource Materials-Terri went over handouts and resource materials. Terri also stated that IDOT will be providing guidance to HSTP Coordinators on remote 5310 reviews & vehicle inspections. 


The next Region 10 meeting will be October 20, 2020.  TRADE will host unless distancing hasn’t been lifted, in which case the committee will meet via conference call again. 

Terri reminded everyone to send any gaps and needs plus survey ideas to her by the next meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:44am.














































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