Region 10: 2021 Meeting Minutes (10/19)


HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday October 19, 2021

11:00 AM

 Olney Library



Betty Cox

Clay Co. Rehab-Flora

Heather Baker

Charleston Transitional Facility-Olney

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access-Mt. Vernon

Cory Young

Marion Co. Horizon Center-Salem

Janice Zwilling

Lawrence-Crawford Assoc.-Lawrenceville

Mark Auten

TRADE Industries-McLeansboro

Jeffrey Drake

RIDES Mass Transit-Harrisburg

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation

John Gillmore

Central Il. Public Transportation-Effingham

Pete Niccum

Community Support Systems-Teutopolis

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem


The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 and called to order by Chairperson Mark Auten at 11:04am.  Introductions of all attendees were done.    


Approval of July 2021 minutes: After review of the July meeting minutes, Mark Auten asked if there were any additions or corrections.  Hearing none Janice Zwilling made a motion to approve the minutes and Betty Cox 2nd the motion.  Minutes approved.  


Regional Plan: Terri Finn handed out the Region 10 Plan for the committee to review the new format and updated information that has been added to the Plan.  Each committee member received a trip generator form for their county and was asked to add, delete or correct any information that they felt needed updated.  All committee members updated those during the meeting and handed them back in to Terri.  Terri also asked each members that had not completed their Contact List, please complete and return to Terri asap.   


Agency Transportation Issues: The Chairperson asked if there were any new service updates to be reported. 

Jeffrey Drake- Rides MTD has increased their hourly wage to $16.00 an hour in an effort to entice new hires along with sign on and referral bonuses. He also reported that DHS has a working group that is focusing on workforce development.  

Mark Auten-TRADE Industries offers a $1,000 bonus (spread over a period of time), a $1,000 referral and $1000 stay on bonus. Some agencies have seen shut downs due to outbreaks.

Betty Cox- CCR is starting to get a few more applicants.  CCR has good benefits and are closed weekends and holidays and that does help getting staff also. 

Cory Young mentioned that how Unemployment is hoping to start a database that employers can report if a person is offered an interview, offered a job, or even if the person does not show up for the job after being hired.

Peter Niccum- CSS has obtained 4 buses, thanks to Jeff Waxman, and are doing some of their own transportation and routes.  They do contract with CIPT to handle 3 of their routes.  Peter said obtaining the 4 buses has helped save them money.  Peter asked if anyone knew how to receive web based Driver Training series online.  Mark Auten stated that Relias Learning (online) does have some Driver Training series and RTAC also has some web based information for Driver Training as well.  Cory Young also suggested that workers compensation or insurance carrier might have any Driver Training.  Terri Finn will send Pete information on web based training that an agency in Region 11 uses.


General Discussion:  Terri Finn stated how there are no updates on the CVP applications and no information in the near future. She did mention how the final round 2018 vehicles are to be issued next week.  She wasn’t sure if the new system was delaying the process or not. She has become aware that Jeff Waxman has been processing more of the vehicle disposal requests.   


The committee then decided the dates for the 2022 meetings:



APRIL 19th, 2022

JULY 19th, 2022

OCTOBER 18th, 2022


Adjourn: The Chairperson asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Janice Zwilling made the motion with Betty Cox 2nd the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:43am.








































































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