Region 10: 2021 Meeting Minutes (7/20)


HSTP Region 10

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Tuesday July 20, 2021

11:00 AM

 Olney City Park


Heather Baker

Charleston Transitional Facility-Olney

Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access-Mt. Vernon

Janice Zwilling

Lawrence-Crawford Assoc.-Lawrenceville

Mark Auten

TRADE Industries-McLeansboro

John Gillmore

Central Il. Public Transit-Effingham

Jeffrey Drake

Rides MTD-Harrisburg

Gidget Simpson

CILA Corporation-Flora

Peter Niccum

Community Support Services-Teutopolis

Betty Cox

Clay Co. Rehab.-Flora

Terri Finn

HSTP Coordinator-Salem


The quarterly HSTP Region 10 meeting was held on Tuesday July 20, 2021 and called to order by Chairperson Mark Auten at 11:02am.  Introductions of all attendees were done.     


Approval of April 2021 minutes: Mark Auten asked if everyone reviewed the April minutes—Mike Egbert made a motion to approve the minutes and Janice Zwilling 2nd the motion.


Agency Transportation Issues: Chairperson Auten asked the committee members how their agencies are doing with masks and vaccination rates and went on to comment that TRADE had about 28% of staff vaccinated.  All committee members agreed that if staff vaccines would end up being mandatory, most would lose staff.  

Betty Cox stated that CCR has used their warehouse to help spread out the working area and ensure social distancing. All staff are required to wear masks and social distance as best as possible.

Jeffrey Drake stated that Rides drivers are disinfecting between trips on all buses.

Pete Niccum stated that 40% of their staff are vaccinated and asked members if they are having any problems with employee parents not wanting their child to wear masks. Members commented that it has occurred but employees aren’t really displaying any real problems with mask wearing.

Mike Egbert stated that OFA is currently short staffed and are even having problems with people showing up for interviews.  Many members agreed that staff shortages are a real problem and to add to the problem, time is set aside for interviews and hardly anyone shows up to the interview.  Heather Baker expressed that she has to fill in and work the floor most days causing her to do required paperwork, etc. in the evenings.

Committee members all agreed that it’s been a tough year and are hoping that when the federal unemployment extended benefits end in August, it will help with applicants, interviews and people wanting to return to work.   


Regional Plan: Terri Finn next talked about the updates to the Regional Plan(s) and need for surveys to reach transportation providers, agency staff, riders and the community at large.  She provided everyone with a form to complete that would list all agency contact persons.  Everyone should complete this for their agency and return it to Terri asap, then she will start the process of contacting the mentioned groups for their opinions on regional transportation.  Terri also gave an update on how the updates to the 2022 plan are going so far.


General Discussion: Terri Finn then gave an update on the CVP application, stating there are no dates yet for the CVP applications. Terri also suggested to all committee members to attend the RTAC\IPTA Conference on September 14th-16th.  It is a very good and informative conference to attend.


The next quarterly meeting is October, 19th, 11am and Heather Baker volunteered to host and will attempt to secure the Olney Library


Mark asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Janice Zwilling made a motion with Mike Egbert 2nd the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 11:51am.


































































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