Region 11: 2019 Meeting Minutes (11/13)


HSTP Region 11

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

November 13, 2019



Mike Egbert

Opportunities for Access CIL-Mt. Vernon

John Childs

5 Star Industries-DuQuoin

Janet Shearrer

Epilepsy Foundation of Greater S. Il.-Belleville

Danuta Del Rio

Union Co. Counseling Services-Anna

John Smith

Egyptian Area Agency on Aging, Inc.-Carterville

Kari Docherty

Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Mike Pietrowski

Shawnee MTD-Vienna

Randy Goldsmith

Human Support Services-Waterloo

Becky Salazar

Egyptian Area Agency on Aging, Inc.-Carterville

Sara Nollman-Hodge

South Central Transit-Centralia

Debbie Holsapple

Comprehensive Connections-Mt. Vernon

Michele Morgan


Jimmy Leadingham

Jackson Co. Mass Transit District-Carbondale

Jon Douglas

LINC, Inc. Center for Independent Living-Swansea

Mark Bollmann

Human Service Center-Red Bud

Charlene Hogan

JTC Adolescent Adjustment Center-Centreville

Jeffrey Drake

Rides MTD-Harrisburg

Henry Long

Senior Adult Services-Carbondale

Pat Laws

Senior Adult Services-Carbondale

Terri Finn

Human Service Transportation Planning-Salem


The quarterly HSTP meeting was called to order at 11:07 a.m. by Mark Bollmann, via conference call.  Representatives from each agency present introduced themselves.

The minutes from the August 2019 meeting were reviewed with no additions or corrections.  Motion made by Sara Nollman-Hodge, 2nd by Jimmy Leadingham to accept and approve the minutes.  Motion approved.

Regional Plan:

Gaps\Needs\Strategies- Terri Finn shared the pages of the Regional Plan with the input committee members had provided at the August meeting. 

There was group discussion about the gaps that have been or are being met as well as gaps and needs that continue within the region.  Some examples are:

Ø  The new East St. Louis Flyer shuttle service

Ø  Increased coordination with MCO’s to provide better transportation service to non-emergency medical appointments

Ø  2 grants that have shown to improve transportation to medical appointments via the one-call center


Ø  Hiring and retaining drivers

Ø  Cost of doing business

Ø  More service into and out of Monroe & Randolph counties

The committee will continue to address gaps, needs & strategies as they prepare for the Regional Plan’s 3 year update.



General Discussion:

·         Agency Information/Updates

·         New Business/Open Discussion:

o   CVP- Zoe Keller (IDOT) has shared that the CVP FY 2020 applications could possibly be available in April 2020. FY‘18 award notices should go out before December.  Zoe will be going on maternity leave in Dec. but hopes to send out the award notices before her leave starts.

o   Terri Finn provided information on a nationwide transportation survey that is being conducted by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center. The survey is available on their website.

o   Set CY 2020 meeting dates:

Ø  February 12-Spero Family Services-Mt. Vernon

Ø  May 13-Shawnee Mass Transit-Vienna

Ø  August 12-South Central Transit-Centralia

Ø  November 18-Conference Call



·         Motion to adjourn at 12:00 p.m. by Kari Docherty, 2nd by Jon Douglas.  Meeting adjourned.



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